
Showing posts from November, 2021

SOLID Principles

Hello and welcome back to another week of my blog! This week I want to talk about SOLID design principles since it is important for other programmers to read and understand your code so you can collaboratively work together on it. Having code that is not clean and hard to understand will ultimately hinder you in the long term. Having clean code also makes your code easier to write and understand as well. The term SOLID stands for multiple things: The Single Responsibility Principle, The Open-Closed Principle, The Liskov Substitution Principle, The Interface Segregation Principle, and The Dependency Inversion Principle. These principles were made by a Computer Scientist named Robert J. Martin who is also the author of Clean Code. I’m reading that book for CS-348.  Starting with the Single Responsibility Principle, this principle states that a class should only have one responsibility. Furthermore, it should only have one reason to change. For example, there is a program that calcula...

Code Smells

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week I wanted to go more in depth about code smells because having smelly code can lead to issues in the long run. Code smells are not bugs or errors. Instead, they go against the fundamentals of developing software that decrease the quality of code. A code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system. Code smells are typically easy to spot. Just by giving the code a quick glance, you can usually see if there is a large issue.  A frequent type of code smell is called a bloater. It is code that is being added over time and then turns into a huge chunk of code, like a big block of code. Examples of this are long methods and method bodies as well as long parameter lists. A "God Line" is a term used when you write an excessively long line of code. Another smell you can have in your code is having too many comment lines. Sometimes comments are necessary, but having too many comments may co...